In 1960, a psychologist by the name of Walter Mischel tested a group of four-year olds at Stanford University. The kids were each given a marshmallow. They were told they could eat the marshmallow right away if they wanted, or they could wait 20 minutes. If they ate it right away, that would be the end of it, but if they waited, they would get another marshmallow. As you’d expect, some of the kids ate the marshmallow right away, and some of the kids waited. The interesting thing is, the researchers followed both groups through high school. It turned out that the kids who waited to eat the marshmallows tended to be better adjusted and more dependable than the kids who ate them right away (as determined by surveys of parents and teachers). They also scored an average of 210 points higher on their Scholastic Aptitude Tests.
A baby cries when it’s hungry, fidgets when it’s uncomfortable, and urinates when pressure builds in the bladder. As it matures, it learns to control these responses. If it didn't, it would have a hard time functioning in the world. The ability to endure discomfort and delay gratification is essential for all productive endeavor – from baking a cake to buying a home to writing a book. It is a measure of our ability to exercise free will, plan for the future, act like adults. Or not.
Most who are reading this post no doubt believe in linear evolution: man has evolved in steady progression from ape to his present exalted, rational state. This belief is false – and it is a measure of our present limitations that we’re unable to realize it. According to our present belief, electricity was “discovered” 400 years ago and atomic energy only within the last century. But this belief ignores the fact that Thales of Miletus described electric phenomena 600 year before Christ, and an atomic theory far more profound than our own can be found in the Vedas thousand of years before that. A Golden Age is described in the mythology of every ancient culture. If we find no artifacts, it is because the people of that Age had no need to create them. After all, books are for those who cannot remember; computers are for those who cannot compute; roads, bridges and airports are for those who need to drag the body hither and yon.
What is true of mentality is also true of emotion. Sorry to say, in the present age, we are not emotionally mature. In fact, we are just now entering what I would call an Age of Adolescence. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word “teen-ager” didn’t even exist until 1941, and teenage culture didn’t really arrive until well after the end of the Second World War. In adolescence, we blithely disregard the wisdom of the ages, because we are convinced we can do things better on our own. We indulge ourselves because we can. And when the consequences of our indulgence come, we find a way to blame someone else.
Sound familiar?
Actually, as I said, the Age of Adolescence is still arriving. Some have entered it and some have not. Those who have not are still passing through an Age of Childhood. In childhood, we delay gratification not because we genuinely appreciate the benefits of self-control, but because an authority figure told us to. Unfortunately, whether the authority figure is a church, a parent, or someone else whose values we have internalized, those values are not truly our own. So we’re not really sure they’ll work for us. We’re not really sure there’s a gain in the pain; that delaying gratification will pay off. So when we see other people indulging themselves and seeming to “get away with it”, we become outraged. We want to run to Mommy and tell her, so they can be punished. We want them to suffer as we are suffering in proscriptive self-denial.
This is the source of the famous “culture wars”.
For the few who have escaped adolescence into adulthood (however tentative and precarious), the culture wars do not exist. From a personal perspective, they are content to let the adolescents do what they will because the adults are secure in their own values. Unfortunately for the adults, however, when a vast majority of the planetary inhabitants are adolescents, the world will suffer the consequences of adolescent actions, and the adults along with it.
The world functions according to laws, and that includes the laws of economics. There is a price to be paid for instant gratification. And we are now embarked upon the process of paying that price (though most of us don't yet know it).
The law is, that if we want something, we have to exert the energy and will to acquire it. In a money economy, this means we have to pay for it. Since we are unwilling to live according to this law, we have invented the institution of credit. If we want something now but can’t pay for it, we find somebody who can, and we sell ourselves into indentured servitude to get what we want. In return for the extension of credit, we agree to pay the lender not only the amount advanced, but a consideration of forbearance, called interest, which ultimately increases the amount of work we must do to get what we want.
The level of a debt in a country can be viewed as a measure of its citizens’ collective inability to delay their gratification. By that measure, we Americans have the lowest level of self-control in the world.
In 2005, the personal savings rate in the United States fell below zero. Since then, it’s been bumping along below 1%. In the first quarter of 2008, Americans earned a little under $12 trillion and spent pretty nearly every penny.
Given that America is a democracy, it should come as no surprise that the American government, as representative of its people, also lacks the will to curb its spending. According to the numbers commonly reported in the press, in the last half-dozen years, the government has been spending more than it takes in to the tune of several hundreds of billions a year. Unfortunately, the numbers reported in the press don’t tell the whole story.
Though most people don’t know it, the U.S. Treasury is required by law to publish annual financial statements prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). These statements are prepared in exactly the same way publicly traded business corporations are required to prepare their statements by law. The numbers are hard to find, however, and never disclosed in press releases or other public reports.
The GAAP statements show that the federal government’s annual fiscal deficit is about TEN TIMES HIGHER than commonly reported – averaging $4.6 trillion (thousand billion) dollars each year for the six years through 2007. In fact, so out-of-control are governmental expenditures at this point, that were the government to raise taxes to 100% of all wages, salaries and corporate profits, it still wouldn’t be able to cover its expenditures on an accrual basis.
Yet somehow or other, all of this must -- and will -- be repaid.
The created universe may be conceived as a vast sphere comprised of an invisible etheric medium that radiates outward in all directions the magnetic waves of thought and action generated at each point within itself. As these waves of causation ripple from their points of origin, they necessarily encounter other waves, creating complex patterns of interference, changing their appearance and direction. Nevertheless, the sphere is a closed system. Therefore, each causative charge originating within it inevitably returns as effect to its point of origin.
In the created universe, there is no cause without effect and no effect without cause. The very notion of it is ridiculous because the cause contains the effect within it. Nevertheless, in the realm of men, we continuously think and act as though we can get away with something. We buy things on credit, then wonder why we feel stressed out. We drink and wonder why we feel hung over; we overeat and wonder why we have indigestion; we over indulge in sex and wonder why our nerves are on edge. We lie, cheat, steal, and injure our neighbors, then express outrage and amazement when the same sort of thing is done to us.
Since we don’t want to acknowledge the real cause of our problems, we take a pill and assign the whole bloody mess to subconsciousness. When the pill wears off or the side-effects kick in, we run to the doctor for a stronger pill, or perhaps we dive into another round of self-indulgence to ease the pain or temporarily forget. But as ingenious as we may be in our ignorance, we cannot fail to suffer the consequences of what we have done.
The older I get, the more I mistrust the intellect. It's not bad in itself, of course; it can be used for good or ill, like a knife. It can cut a prisoner’s bonds or it can cut his throat. In itself, the intellect has no judgment. It can be used to solve problems or sell condoms, to build bridges or prisons, to develop cures for disease or weapons that wipe out the human race. The intellect can do all of these with equal efficiency, duly noting the benefits and costs (and, in the economic realm, duly including them in Gross Domestic Product). The intellect is like a knife, and in this age, we have honed that knife to a sharp edge. Unfortunately, we have yet to develop the vision and self control to use it properly. Therefore, we will suffer.
There is a law of reciprocity embedded in the geometry of the universe. It cannot be avoided. It cannot be gamed. It cannot be spun. It cannot be danced around. Until we acknowledge the inevitability of that law, until we use our intellect in accordance with that law, our intellects are not just useless.
They’re toxic assets.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
In the summer of 1971, I went to see Jiddu Krishnamurti at Saanen.
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Saanen Valley, Switzerland |
Through the lens of memory, I see a train pulling into a picture postcard Swiss valley, sloping to steep grassy hills, and tree clad mountains beyond. Walking from the station through a quaint village, the afternoon is radiant, the landscape painted in vivid greens, the sky a brilliant blue, dotted with puffy clouds of the purest white.
In the campground, strolling past rows of comfortable looking tents, I find a spot by the river. There I unroll my sleeping bag and tie my humble tarpaulin to a tree – more fitting than a tent, it seems to me, for a serious seeker after truth. And that is how I see myself in these halcyon days: a seeker, a wanderer, owning nothing he does not carry on his back; one who has paid the price, renounced the world in quest of something higher. There is more than a little pride in this, though it is utterly invisible to me, safely hidden behind the wall of my identity. If it is true that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, then I am a dangerous man.
* * *
“Shaeffer ....” A voice floats into the cluttered room. I look up.It is March, 1971, I’m sitting in the Editors’ Room at Gannett House, Harvard Law School, reading the New York Times. There is a saying at the law school in those days: “The first year they scare you to death, the second year, they work you to death, the third year they bore you to death.” The saying has come from simpler times.
In the Spring of 1971:
- Alan Shepard is hitting golf balls on the moon.
- The Manson family is on trial in sunny California.
- The Weather Underground is bombing public buildings (most recently a men’s lavatory at the U.S. Capitol).
- Nixon is trying out dirty tricks for his reelection campaign.
- Second Lieutenant William L. Calley, Jr. is on trial for the massacre of 500 civilians at My Lai Village.
I have made myself something of an expert on such things in March of 1971. My Lai is the focus of my senior thesis, dealing with chain of command responsibility for human rights violations. Not that I’ll have more than theoretical involvement with the issue myself. In the year prior, after years of successful angling for draft deferments, I crap out in the lottery. I get called in for my physical at the Boston Navy Yard where, to my shock, awe and amazement, I am found physically unfit to die for my country – leaving me free to practice law in safe and righteous indignation.
“Tom Harper.” (not his real name)
"Harper?" Why on earth would Harper call me? I hardly know the guy. Yeah, he had my job at the Review a year earlier, but he's long gone ... clerking for a big time judge on the D.C. Circuit.
“Listen,” Parker goes on, “I heard you don’t have anything lined up for next year. Is that true?”
It’s common knowledge I’m not interviewing, on a sure and certain course for near term career destruction. I assume Harper knows this, so I don’t deny it.
“Here’s the thing,” he says. “The Judge finished his last interview this morning, and he’s less than underwhelmed with the material. I told him about you, and he said to get you down here.”
“You told him about me?” Again, a disconnect. Around here, I am the enfant terrible.
“Can you get on a plane this afternoon?”
“This afternoon?”
“If you're going to repeat everything I tell you, this going to take more time than I have. Yeah, this afternoon. Now or never. Look, I don’t know if anybody told you, but I’m moving over to the Court starting Fall Term and I’m already under water --”
"Court" meant the Supreme Court. “Oh, right, congratulations ....” my voice trailed off.
“Yeah, well the thing is, I can’t promise .... What I'm saying is, if get your ass down here, there’s a good chance, the job is yours.”
* * *
At the time, I wasn't interested in spiritual things at all . I was interested in psychotherapy, and particuarly the Gestalt Therapy of Fritz Perls:
My sentiments at the time, exactly.I do my thing and you do your thing.I am not in this world to live up to your expectations,And you are not in this world to live up to mine.You are you, and I am I,And if by chance we find each other, it’s beautiful.If not, it can’t be helped.
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Jiddu Krishnamurti |
I had also been exposed to Rinzai Zen, with its iconoclastic meditation koans. (What is the sound of one hand clapping?) Krishnamurti was different.
A guy I knew from a therapy group gave me a book called, “Freedom from the Known”. It started out this way
"Man has always asked the question: what is it all about? Has life any meaning at all? He sees the enormous confusion of life, the brutalities, the revolt, the wars, the endless divisions of religion, ideology and nationality, and with a sense of deep abiding frustration he asks, what is one to do, what is this thing we call living, is there anything beyond it?"
- "We human beings are what we have been for millions of years – colossally greedy, envious, aggressive, jealous, anxious and despairing, with occasional flashes of joy and affection. ... There has been outward progress from the bullock cart to the jet plane but psychologically the individual has not changed at all, and the structure of society throughout the world has been created by individuals."
- "For centuries we have been spoon-fed by our teachers, by our authorities, by our books, our saints. We live on words and our life is shallow and empty. We are secondhand people. … The question of whether or not there is a God or truth or reality, or whatever you like to call it, can never be answered by books, by priests, philosophers or saviors. Nobody and nothing can answer the question but you yourself and that is why you must know yourself."
At first, “know yourself” seemed a bit hackneyed. Inscribed at Delphi, that sort of thing. But Krishnamurti gave it a meaning. As I understood it, the idea was somewhat akin to what the Buddhists called “mindfulness,” – observing the thoughts and emotions in ordinary daily activities, and doing this without any sort of naming or judgment.
"Most of us walk through life inattentively, reacting unthinkingly according to the environment in which we have been brought up, and such reactions create only further bondage, further conditioning, but the moment you give your total attention to your conditioning you will see that you are free from the past completely, that it falls away from you naturally."
Freedom from conditioning – freedom from family, education, culture; freedom from authority, freedom from professors, from precedent, from the establishment; freedom from conflict, freedom from conformity, freedom from fear. Looking back, I am not so much struck by the word, “freedom” as the word, “from”. I was young, I suppose, and more concerned with what I was NOT than what I WAS. I didn’t know how I was going to live my life, but I did know what I was NOT going to do. I was NOT going to wind up like that Wall Street lawyer, looking back on my time at the Law Review as the best years of my life.
I began to form a vague idea in my mind that after graduation I could visit Krishnamurti in Saanen, but it was only when Harper called that day and I saw a fork in the road, that I realized I was actually going to do it.
* * *
- “You say that you are seeking? But who is seeking? You say you are seeking freedom from the self. But who is the seeker if not the self? Whatever you are doing to free yourself from the self is the self. How can I make you understand this simple thing?”
“Then what … what is the way? How can we ….?”
“How can we do it? What is the ‘way’? What is the ‘method’? The hows, the ways, the methods, these things are the ideas, the divisions that separate you from life. And they will remain as long as you think that there can be answers given by others – by me, by Buddha, by Jiddu Krishnamurti. But these are not answers; if they were answers, they would destroy the questions, yet the questions remain. And why do they remain? They remain because you are the question. Because you are the seeker. And the seeker must have a quest. He must have questions or he will cease to exist. But the seeker wants to seek, wants to exist. The questions are nothing but your self. Self-realization – if there is such a thing – can only be the perception that there is, in fact, no self to be realized.”
- “Jiddu Krishnamurti says that by watching the process of thought, the thinking will come to an end, and in that process there is a freedom ….”
He laughs. “So thought divides itself? The thought that is 'you' watches the thought that 'you' are thinking? Really, are there two thoughts, or one thought? And what creates the apparent division between 'you' and your thought? Is not the division created by thought itself? The thought of mortality creates the thought of immortality. The thought of the known creates the thought of the unknown. The thought of time creates the timeless. The thought of thought creates the thoughtless.”
“Then what are we to do?”
“You are asking me what you are to do?” U.G. laughs again, this time as though this was the funniest thing he has ever heard. “Please! Anything I say will only add to your misery. Go home, please! Stop listening! You only add more misery to the misery you already have by listening to me.”
He shakes his head. “You see, my motive for talking is not what you think. I am not eager to help you understand. Not at all. I am only interested in making it crystal clear that there is nothing you can get from me. Only if you reject all the paths can you discover the path which is your own path. You are not ready to accept the fact that you have to give up – a complete and total surrender. You must arrive at a state of hopelessness in which there is no way out, nowhere to go .... You must realize that any movement in any direction, on any dimension, at any level, only takes you away from yourself...”
He points to a tree, where the leaves are rustling in the breeze, catching the light of the late afternoon sun. “All you want, any of you here, is to tremble like the leaf on that tree. Who can give that to you? Can I give it to you? Can anyone?”
I am gazing at the leaves on that tree.
Then, for a moment, I look at U.G.
And I am gone ....
* * *
- The morning dawned gray and brooding, the rain clouds low in the sky. And the cold was not a dream to me. I wanted warmth. Wamth was all I wanted, all I could think about, warmth.
Thank God, no more.
U.G. was right. Seeking, striving, the guru, the journey, the path, even the truth -- are unreal. Just as the mind itself, is unreal. Just as time and space -- and the particles of individual existence -- are unreal. But once individual existence is accepted, they're all, also equally real.
U.G. went the way of wisdom. And wisdom must deny the reality of creation from the start. But I had not the fortitude for that. When the rains came, I needed the sun.
Yet luckily for me, there is another way: a way that proceeds through creation, down a path created along with the world itself, and as real, and unreal, as the world is. This is the path of seeking and striving, the guru, the journey, and yes, the truth. This is the path that expands the heart before dissolving it. Through family and community, through nationality and humanity, through the husband and the wife and the parents and the children and the dog, finally, through the guru. This is the path that reaches detachment not through a blinding flash of intuition, but through daily tests and trials and disillusionments.
This is the Journey to Saanen; indeed, the journey to anywhere. As real and unreal, as you are, and --
I am.
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