Saturday, April 19, 2008

Point of View

The world is a metaphor. You, me, our bodies, our world ... everything is metaphor. By this I mean that everything is capable of being seen at a higher level -- as pattern, as concept, as pure idea. And that "seeing" is the purpose of our experience here, the purpose of our existence, our relationships, our world. When we realize this, when we begin looking for the metaphor, the game begins. Until then, we are living by instinct -- drifting in a dream, groping toward pleasure, recoiling from pain, moving in circles through the same monotonous set of experiences, again and again and again. When we begin to seek meaning, when we look within, there is the possibility of something else.

So the game -- and make no mistake, this is a game we're playing -- is to perceive a series of metaphors. Each time we figure one out, and move beyond our emotional reaction to it, we change, we grow, we get unstuck. And we move on.

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