Thursday, March 5, 2009


You were alone. You had been alone. You would be alone always.

Because there was no one else, nothing else. You were all that existed, all that would ever exist.

And you knew it.

There was no time. No change by which to measure it. Nothing to change, no past or future within which change could happen. Only the present.

And there was no space. No separation between and no things to be separated.

And there was no motion. Nothing to move, no dimensions, no acceleration, no velocity.

There was nothing but — you.

You alone. Formless. Complete. Eternal.

Beyond words or thoughts. Beyond concepts, beyond qualities, beyond everything except


You were conscious. Aware of your existence and your consciousness.

Aware of your immeasurable, unassailable, immaculate, immortal existence. And in that awareness – that perfect clarity, purity, transparency and completeness – you were at peace, utterly content and secure . . . and alone.

It was indescribable, this state of yours. Perfection. It went on forever, and you knew it. Unlimited, unconditioned existence.

For you, no desire, no grasping, no striving. Nothing to attain, or avoid, nothing to want or need or fear. There was only satisfaction, a contentment, a causeless, wholesome, happiness.

You experienced an eternal fulfillment that within the contemplation of itself became a self-renewing, ever-expanding joy ….

And from that joy, something emerged – and eternally emerges – a desireless desire, a selfless urge to share your bounty, your beauty, your limitless, expanding joy. A desire to create a multiplicity of beings to enjoy what you enjoyed.

And so it was that Creation emerged – and emerges forever – from what Hindus call Parambrahma, Christians call Eternal Spirit, and Buddhists call, the Void. And so it is that this little life you think you are living emerges from the vastness, the causeless, featureless essence, that you will eventually discover.

That is the real you.

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