The most universal conception of God is that He (or She or It) is what created the universe.
Unfortunately, if there is a God, He (or She or It) cannot be perceived. Since the five senses are all parts of the created world, God would have created them, along with all the qualities they perceive. The Creator would contain and lie beyond EVERY quality; therefore, NO quality could be said to define or describe Him (or Her or It).
That includes the qualities measured by scientific instruments.
Therefore, the existence of God cannot be scientifically proved. Or disproved.
God is not just impossible to describe, He (or She or It) is difficult to discuss. Not just our senses, but our very language, and the concepts it seeks to express, are parts of creation. Words cannot describe That which created and logically transcends them. Nouns cannot refer to It. Adjectives cannot describe It. Even pronouns are a problem. Take the first sentence of this paragraph. Is God a He, a She or an It? Each denotes a sex. But the Creator of sex necessarily transcends sex, so even simple pronouns are misleading.
Indeed, the only logical way to approach the subject of God through the intellect is by pointing out what God is not. This is the path of discrimination followed by the ancients.
So let us see what we can throw out.
To save time, let's start with the basics. According to modern physics, the fundamental components of the known universe are matter, energy, space and time (or, if you like, matter-energy and space-time), but as we'll see in a minute, these are nothing but ideas – and murky ones, at that, with circular definitions that dissolve on close inspection.
Take matter, for example. Matter is generally defined as “the substance of which physical objects are composed.” The term substance is defined as “the essence of an object without which it would not exist.” In philosophical terms, we would call this, its “Being”.. The existence of substance cannot be proved. It rests on the theory that an object is distinct from the properties it manifests. This notion appeals to common sense, but in reality, it is an article of faith. There is no way the reality of substance or Being can be proved.
In physics, the two key properties of an object are its mass – conceived as the “quantity of matter in an object” and its energy – conceived as the actual or potential velocity of an object (sometimes expressed as the amount of “work” it can do). Velocity is defined as a change in the position of an object in space over a period of time.
Mass is measured in terms of an object’s resistance to acceleration. Velocity may be viewed as the result of an object’s capitulation to acceleration. According to the special theory of relativity, there is an equivalence of mass and energy. As the velocity of an object approaches the velocity of light, its mass also increases. If an object could reach the velocity of light, its mass would become infinite and time would stop.
That this is true is obvious. If an object had infinite mass, by definition it would contain all the matter (substance, being) in the universe, and if this were true, space would disappear and the very concept of velocity, or motion in space through time, would become meaningless. In other words, we would have arrived at a point beyond creation.
Space and time constitute the fabric of creation. Whether they are understood as realities, or as conceptual dimensions, the created universe could not exist without them.
In its essence, space represents the idea of division. If there were only one thing in the universe, space would have no meaning and could not be measured.
Time represents the idea of change. If there were no change in the universe, time would have no meaning, and could not be measured.
Space has no meaning and cannot be measured without individuation. Time has no meaning and cannot be measured without change. Space and time represent dimensions of the created universe. Without them, there could be no created world and nothing to describe. With them we enter the world of forces and motions, particles and waves.
What logically precedes space is indivisible Substance or Being. What logically precedes time is changelessness of Being. And one other thing.
For there is another element of creation that science largely ignores. That element is Awareness. Awareness (we can also call it Consciousness) is the quality of observation, the mirror in which the created universe is reflected. Without Consciousness, there would be no subject, no observer to measure, describe, or define physical phenomena. Within creation, this power of awareness or observation is divided, as Substance or Being is divided by individuation in space and time. Preceding Creation, there can be no such division -- only undifferentiated, indivisible Consciousness.
So these items, taken together – indivisible Conscious Being – describe a God preceding creation.
While nothing more can be deduced logically from an examination of the system.
That does not mean, however, that there is nothing else that can be experienced or said.
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