Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Source of the World

What I am going to describe cannot be demonstrated, nor can it be deduced from the known world. It logically precedes the senses, and cannot be cognized by them. Therefore, it is not subject to what is called scientific proof. Nevertheless, what I will describe is true and can be experienced in a way I will describe in a minute.

That which is beyond creation I will call Spirit. Spirit is pure consciousness, independent of any specific content other than the awareness of its own infinite and eternal being. Though in our conscious mind, we cannot really grasp what that awareness is like, we can think about what it does NOT include. It does not include any sense of lack or want, because there is nothing extant that is not already included within it. There is no sense of desire for the same reason. There is no body, so there is no hunger or thirst, no pain or discomfort. Also, there is no fear of illness or injury because there is no body to be injured or harmed and nothing external that could possibly threaten or harm it. The existence of Spirit is eternal, and it is aware only of its eternal existence.

Think about that for a minute.

No hunger or thirst nor any fear of them, no aches or pains, no fear of illness or injury, no sense of lack or want, no fear of death, no need for anything. What would that feel like?

If you go deep into this thought, you will first experience a profound peace – a sense of completeness, wholeness and security. You will let go, and relax. If you go deeper still, into the certainty that this state of being is real, and that it actually applies to YOU, you will begin to experience a certain joy.

That joy is the third and final attribute of Spirit.

As Spirit is consciousness itself, it is instantly and eternally aware, not only of its own eternal conscious being, but also of the joy that flows from the comprehension of it. The awareness of possessing that joy (in addition to the awareness of knowledge, security and completeness) creates even more joy, of which Spirit, then, immediately becomes aware.

This awareness, in turn, creates more joy, and more awareness. And more joy. And more awareness. Awareness and joy, awareness and joy, awareness and joy -- these ever alternate (or vibrate) in Sprit.

Subject and object, subject and object, subject and object.

This is the initial division.

This is the source of the created world.

(To be continued.)

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